Monday, November 5, 2012

Prepping For Christmas

I just love the movie Prep and Landing. So, I thought that a little Prep and Landing inspired Elf was in order. I had fun creating all of the accessories for this Happy Little Elf. Would you like to make your very own little Elf in training? If you haven't seen the movie yet, now's the time to grab a cup of hot cocoa, sugar cookies and watch it!
He even has a "tool" belt and the Gingerbread Man multiple usage device or something to that effect.
Prep and Landing movie
(photo off web)

Zoom in closer to get details on the peppermint buttons, tool belt and M.U.D gingerbread man.

The Elf is made just like the Snowman and Gingerbread Boy. Exceptions: use flesh color felt for face, green felt for suit, red felt for accents and brown felt for hair. I gently stuffed the hat before gluing it on the Elf's head. His peppermint box is painted inside and out, mod podged, and finally glittered (see Snowman for details on paint and using glitter on box). Paperclay for buttons, M.U.D gingerbread man and for accessories on belt.

Have a very wonderful day making happy crafts!


  1. They are all so cute!! Thanks for sharing them! Hope you have a great week! xo Holly

    1. Thank you, Holly! You have a wonderful week too!

  2. How cute is that? I love the little guy! His face is so sweet! He looks happy with his two other buddies! maybe I could find time to try something like this. You are just so crafty!

    1. Thank you, Susie! I hope that you find time to make them. They really go quickly. Paint your box first and while it is drying you can make the felt guys. Have fun!

  3. Hi Holly, Tremendously cute elf! I absolutely adore your patterns. I am posting today about your blog which is a "Must Visit" and sharing my attempt at your shakers and snowman trinket box. Oh my gosh, you have such a way with the tiny little pieces! PS The peppermint box is super!!! Have a great day. Elizabeth

    1. Hey Elizabeth, Thank you so much! I love your shakers and trinket box. They turned out adorable! I do love tiny pieces. Sometimes I think that I might go blind. Have a wonderful night!! Holly

  4. Holly, these guys are so darned cute!! I love the elf! I'm going to make him for my daughter for Christmas because her favorite movie is "ELF"!!!! Thanks for the patterns!! And thanks for sharing your cute ideas!!!!
    Sandie XO

    1. Hey Sandie, I love the movie "Elf" too! You could easily convert this elf into a matching "Elf". Wouldn't that be cute! Have a great night and I would love to see your Elf!

  5. Came by you through Elizabeth! And I'm sooo glad she sent me over! Your little characters are darling!
    I'll be following.
    Erica :)

    1. Hey Erica, so glad you came to visit! I enjoy Elizabeth's blog so much. I am glad you like my characters. They are so addictive. I have a few more planned and hopefully no one will get tired of them :) Have a wonderful night!

  6. I am visiting from E's and I'm loving everything you make! I collect pixies so this is my fav! But I love your cute creations! I'm putting your blog on my fav list so I won't miss any of your posts! Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad that you came over for a visit! I love pixies too and have collected a few of them but am always on the lookout for more :) Thank you for putting me on your favs! Have a great night!


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