Thursday, November 29, 2012

Come Blow Your Horn!

Today I have another New Year project for you. It is a Snowman Shaker. He is getting ready for the clock to finally strike midnight so that he can blow his horn and ring in the new year! He is constructed the same way that all of my other shakers are made. If you need a refresher course, check here, here and here.
scrap of fabric for the hat
red and white pipe cleaner, large kind, (Hobby L carries the kind that are already twisted together)
vintage sheet music
crepe paper-red
embroidery floss-eyes, eyebrows
pom poms
plain paper
black paint
white glue- I use Aleene's
mod podge
1. Cut out all felt pieces (face, back of head, nose, cheeks and mouth).
2. Cut a side strip out of white felt (3/4" x 12"-this may be a little long. You will cut it to size after you have finished sewing it to the face piece).
3. Construct shaker. ***Stuff cheeks lightly as you sew them on. ***Stick was painted red with white polka dots and glitter was added.
4. A 9" candy cane striped pipe cleaner was wrapped around the "neck" two times. I found that tightly wrapping it secured it enough where glue was not necessary, but you can always add a drop of glue. Fold tip of pipe cleaner into an 0 shape to form a little hand.
Getting ready to blow that horn!!
5. Cut two strips of tulle, 5 1/2" x 32"-I buy the tulle that comes on a spool at Hobby Lobby when they have it on sale. Place one strip on top of the other, fold in half length wise, now your strip is 2 3/4" x 32. Sew a running stitch the length of the tulle making sure to leave long tails.
6. Gather the tulle and place it on the snowman's neck between the pipe cleaner and head. Tie securely in place.
7. To make the horn, cut one out of plain paper and one out of vintage music sheet. Mod podge the two together. Do not apply mod p to outside yet. This is the tricky part, now glue the ends together overlapping one side a little. You can use clothespins to help hold the ends together, be careful and don't glue clothespin to horn :) Let dry.
He only has one arm. Two made him look awkward *<:)
8. To make fringe, cut three 7" strips of crepe paper. Lay them on top of each other. Start snipping to make fringe being careful to stop just short (about 1/4") of the edge on one side.
9. Glue one layer at a time inside of horn. This is also a little tricky, just be patience and work slowly.
10. Paint tip of horn black. Hot glue works great here, just be careful to not glob it on. Glue horn to hand.
11. For the hat, glue patten onto a fabric scrap. Try not to let glue soak through, use glue sparingly, but making sure to coat paper thoroughly. Let dry and cut out.
12. Glue into a cone shape, again this will take some patience. Use clothespins to help hold so that glue can dry.
13. Glue hat onto head. I found that just gluing the front and back worked the best. Do not worry about the sides.
14. Glue pom poms on (hot glue works best here, be careful use sparingly) and finally glue Happy New Year banner on using white glue. Adjust the arm if necessary.
You are finished!!
In this picture you can see the center hole that is cut out of the mouth. I used my tiny hole punch to cut that tiny hole.

Happy Crafting and enjoy this wonderful day,


  1. I love with his little puffy trumpet cheeks! You new banner pic is pretty. love your little Noel angels,too. Have a nice evening

    1. Hey Patti, Thank you! The banner photo is a picture of a little corner in my craft room :) I love the angels too! I couldn't believe my luck when I found them at a local antique shop for a couple of bucks. Have a wonderful day, Holly

  2. OH so cute!! Love the little cheeks and the poofy horn! :) Hope you have a lovely evening! xo Holly

    1. Hey Holly, The cheeks are a scream! When I first added them they looked too plain, but adding some stuffing gave it some movement. The horn was trial and error. After few attempts I finally got it right :) Have a wonderful day, Holly
      ps don't you love your name this time of seems to be on everything. In high school my nick name was Holly Jolly-lol.

  3. Oh Holly, I am so glad you are making New Years crafts. Everyone seems to blow off that one for some reason. I love the font you used on Happy New Year Snowman Shaker, would you mind letting me know what it is? I am definitley making this and the baby and father time, and the pumpkin and snowman shakers. Between you and Elizabeth at Creative Breathing I will never run out of things I want to make!


  4. Oh Holly! I love your new banner, and I absolutely love this little trumpeter! I must make this one to add to my New Year's shakers. So Cute!
    Have a great Sunday. E

    1. Hey Elizabeth, Thank you! I hope you enjoy making him. It looks like I am going to be making a shaker for every holiday :) They are fun and also give height to my desk. Have a wonderful night and happy crafting, Holly
      I am off to visit your blog!


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