Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No Sense At All

This is a true story that actually happened last night.

Dear sweet teenage son: "Hey, Mom. I need to go to buy me some more socks and underware tonight. I don't have any."

Me (level headed mom trying to teach son domestic skills) "Well....it's late. Just bring your stuff downstairs and wash it."

Dear sweet teenage son: "That makes no sense!"
Yeah....no sense at all.


  1. finally had a chance to look at all your new posts, youve been busy! its been fun to read and your halloween decorations are adorable!!! love to you! E

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth. So glad you are getting settled into your new house. Take care sweet sis! Kiss those babies for me.

  3. Holly, I actually had a next door neighbor who REFUSED to was socks or underwear for her twin teenage boys. She bought new ones every week! What a funny story this is! E

    1. Oh my! How funny! Guess she didn't like doing laundry. To me it would be more trouble going to the store every week than washing their socks and underwear.

  4. I have really enjoyed reading your posts for October.. It's almost as good as a visit. Tell Michael we still have the underwear problem with Poppy. He runs out sometimes too and we have to hurry and wash some. Lee runs out of socks too. I don't since I'm perfect. haha. Keep posting - i love it. mama

    1. Hey Mom, glad you liked the posts. So funny about dad. Michael is a hoot. Couldn't believe that he wanted to go to store and get more when his basket was full of stuff! We finally brought it down and washed it up. I cleaned out his drawers in his dresser so now he has full view of what he has and when he needs to wash his stuff. I am like you, I don't run out b/c I am perfect too!! haha :) Love you! Can't wait to see all of you!


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