Thursday, October 25, 2012

Christmas Cardinal and the Candy Cane

I know that it is a little early to start on Christmas crafts.... but,  if you don't start now chances are you won't have enough time come December. I have made this cute little pom Cardinal. He is very simple and you could make him into any bird: yellow for canary, blue for bluebird or jay, gray for mockingbird, etc. He would also look adorable on presents. You could add a small gold thread loop to make a hanger for him to be an ornament. Have fun! 
Supplies: Red yarn
red, yellow, black felt
red and white pipe cleaners twisted together
tiny black beads, I used the heads of applique pins painted black.
Patterns for felt pieces. Felt needled: red, black and yellow.

Since this bird is tiny, I used old school way. I wrapped the yarn around my fingers about 45 times.

Gently remove wrapped yarn from fingers and tie it in the middle with an 8" piece of yarn. *Tie it tight!

Now snip all of the loops. The long piece of yarn that you used as a tie makes a good handle to hold the pom while you snip.

Now it looks like this. Crazy hair bird! He needs a little trim.

Still holding long tie tails, start trimming your pom. The closer you trim to the center the tighter and more compacted your pom will look. Go ahead and trim, it is not as hard as it seems! It is quite fun. Now you just need to glue tail on first (this makes placement of the wings and face easier), then wings, face, beak then beads. Glue Cardinal to pipe cleaner, which has been twisted into Candy Cane shape. You're finished!!

Wouldn't he look adorable on a real Candy Cane to give as a gift? The wheels of craftiness are turning now!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!


  1. Love your little red bird!! I remember doing that with yarn to make dolls! :) Have a great day! xo HOlly

    1. Hey Holly, I think the dolls would be adorable. I will have to google them because I haven't seen any before. Thank you and I loved those boots in your blog post! Have a great night! Holly

  2. Holly,
    I was happy to read your comment and see your daughter is doing well and has forgiveness in her heart. I also forgave my bully, although I will probably never forget! I'm so glad you came to visit because now I found your blog, and how could I not love a blog with a name like Cotton Pickin Fun? Thank you for leaving the nice comment and for visiting me. I'm so happy to meet you. I am your newest follower.

    1. She is doing great at college. Hopefully my daughter will run into her again and ask her to visit some of the clubs she is involved in on campus. Your post touch my heart and I just had to comment. Now that I have found your blog I will visit often. BTW your blog name was what made me click on it. I love ric rac and polka dots too! Have a wonderful night and thank you for coming over for a visit!

  3. Crafters have to do their crafts a bit early...if you don't all the best supplies will be gone from stores. I have to admit tho' that one of my followers joking called me "Walmart" today for my early focus on Christmas. LOL!

    1. Hey Shirley,
      Haha. You are right, can't start too early- the best craft supplies do get snatched up quickly! I am going over to your blog right now to visit an early Christmas! Have a great night!

  4. Holly,
    What a little cutie your cardinal is. I got a couple of those Clover pom makes (small and tiny) and I've never used them yet. I like the old "wrap around the fingers" technique!! Oh, and I did find some red/white and red/green striped pipe cleaners in Michaels. That would save a step!!!

    1. Thank you Sandie! I too have the pom makers but didn't have any that were real small. The great thing about using your fingers is that you will never lose them unlike my lost large pom maker. I did use the premade red and white pipe cleaners but wasn't sure if everyone would be able to find them so that is why I said to twist together. Don't you just love all the Christmas crafts and do dads in stores now? Have a great night!


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