Saturday, March 23, 2013

Swapping Fun!

I participated in Sandy's (521 Lake Street) Easter Swap. I was paired up with the talented Laura (VintageBettys). She makes the most adorable paperclay characters. This swap was so much fun! I really enjoyed every minute of it.

Here is what Laura sent me (left to right): most adorable bunny with a top hat, adorable spring Spoolie with her paperclay bluebird, Victorian spoolie (yes, she sent me two spoolies!!), egg decorated with paper flowers, and a lamb Nursery planter! Click on the picture to get a better look.

She also sent me this exquisite hand painted egg. Two butterflies and flowers are painted on it. The lovely hankie (which I must confess, vintage hankies are my latest obsession) and a beautiful silver rose broach. I have plans for the broach and hankie that I will share later on :)

I don't have very many Easter greeting cards. I have just never thought about collecting them until this year, which is of course thanks to all the wonderful blogs that I visit. Vintage Easter cards are posted everywhere and are so adorable. Well...look what Laura sent:
Vintage card images!!!! With a post it note sticky back! Oh my, I can't wait to craft with some of them (I am going to leave some plain too). The little framed girl is the sweetest. I have her tucked among my vintage nursery planters. * That kidney bean shaped blob is just a chip on my enamel top. It looks ugly (sorry, I should have covered it up) but it reminds me that my vintage Hoosier 
table was well loved before I bought it.

The basket tutorial that she demonstrated on her blog. Yes, she sent it to me!! I think it is so adorable and I love the lamb image. He fits right in with my other lambs. I love the flower ribbon and chickie bookmark. Later on in the spring when I plant the seeds (forget me not and sunflower), I will think of Laura and her friendship. She also sent some abc/word stickers that look like tiny Scrabble tiles-you know that I love my Scrabble tiles!

Thank you so much Laura. I loved opening my box and each little present within. We couldn't have been better paired, as you and I both love the same things :)
*small disclaimer: Laura sent candy but I shared some with hubby and D#2 and hid a few pieces in my craft room to enjoy later. Thank you so much-the chocolate was well loved! 

I didn't take any pictures of what I sent Laura, but she did a blog post on it. Just click here.

And a big thank you to Sandy!! She was so wonderful to coordinate this swap. Without her this swap would have never happened!!

The alarm went off this morning at 7am! So that I could wake D#2 and dear hubby up from their Saturday morning slumber. To go on an adventure to buy this:

and all of this:

and this: 

D#2's school was having a yard sale for a local church. The church was making money for a mission trip to Africa. D#2's school teacher was in charge and she told me that they were going to have some good stuff! Lots of Christmas stuff, but mostly from 1980s and up, a little too modern for me. But I did find some vintage Christmas. Only two Nursery planters. Look at the little elephant. His original plastic flowers still intact. What a find!

Another church yard sale. Not a plentiful as the first but different stuff. 
Charlie Brown A to B dictionary, Disney book (I love this type), Richard Scary (can never pass these up), and 4 Hardy Boys books (ohhh...I love these even if they are new), & Lefton Christmas salt and pepper shakers. D#2 bought some toys there too.

In 4th grade I had to do a report on our state, Alabama. It had to be hand written, bound, pictures of state bird, flower, flag, etc. Yep...this is the book that I used as my reference. Oh the memories when I flipped through this thing at the yard sale. We had a contest for best Alabama report and guess what? I won first place with a blue ribbon and everything. Yes ma'am, this books coming home with me! Can't place a price on memories. But I do have to admit, it is very useful, it is a dictionary after all. So as long as I don't need to look up anything past the letter "b" then I'm good.

Well, that's our Saturday morning adventures. And for dear hubby and D#2 being such good sports I promised them breakfast at MickeyD's. 

Just a little side note: I do have one more Spring/Easter craft coming up. Hopefully I can get it posted tomorrow. 
Until then have a wonderful day, 

**If you are having a little trouble understanding Baa lamb's instructions I have uploaded some easy to follow pictures that should explain in a little more detail. Just click here. Enjoy!


  1. Well, talk about Cotton Pickin Fun! Laura sent you so many cute things! I bet it was so much fun to open that box. I can't wait for her to open her Etsy shop. Looks like the church sale was a success!
    Have a great day,
    Erica :)

    1. Hey Erica,
      Oh yes, Laura spoiled me. Her little clay creations are so adorable and even cuter in person! She will do so well with her Etsy shop. I am now addicted to church sales-lol. So much stuff in one place.
      Have a wonderful day,

  2. Wow! What a lovely day!! You got so many sweet Easter goodies from Laura!! I'll be headed over to her blog in a few! And oh my, looks like you really got some great stuff and the those yard sales!! :) Both of your new planters are so cute! :) Happy Saturday! xo Holly

  3. What a treasure filled day you have had! Oh that Richard Scary book brings back memories! My son who is a jr in hs now loved that book...I can't tell you how many times we read that book! Ya'lls Easter parades with those planters are just darling!...Hugs...Patti M :)

  4. Oooohhh, I wish it had been me with you instead of poor hubby and D#2! We would've loved yard saleing together, I had my eye on a shriner yard sale today but it was rained out! I'm loving the Easter crafts and AJ really likes looking at your blog!!! Love to you,E

  5. Nice haul at the yard sale. That plastic holly brings back so many memories. My Mom used to wind a garlands of it around our floor lamps at Christmas. Love the sweet elephant planter.


  6. What a sweet spoolie your friend made for you! Lots of wonderful goodies! And look at the finds from the sale this morning too! Can't wait to see how these all are transformed into one of your creative crafts!

  7. Hey Darling Daughter #1 (Liz in case you read this, #1 refers to chronological order only, I have no favorites. Right,#1?)
    The yard sales must have been such fun.. I like church ones where little old ladies (like me) get rid of their old goodies. You made out like a bandit. Why can't I remember the blue ribbon? Iknow I must have been so proud, but not surprised; my children were always winning something.
    Kiss your wonderful family for me, mama

  8. Holly,
    I am so happy everyone had such a good time!!!! I just got the same lamb planters! One from E and one I bought....don't you just love them? Shirley had no idea what she started! lol Have a wonderful Easter! Sandy

  9. I love all your swap goodies and it looks like you did good at the rummage sale too you lucky girl. I've passed these baby planters before many times at sales, but since I've seen them on so many blogs recently, I've come to have a new appreciation for them. They are so very cute. I love how people are embellishing them. Now I want a couple. Your little elephant with the original plastic flowers is adorable. It reminds me of the flowers that came in the lady head vases. Hope you have a happy day!

    xo Danielle

  10. Oh my goodness, I don't think I've ever seen so much cuteness contained in one single blog! I can't wait to try your chick and bunny shakers, and I'm now a follower!

  11. Everything is so cute - and it is just so much fun to read your stories and drool over your illustrations. You really had a wonderful swap! And, your yard sale finds are PERFECT! I've never seen an elephant planter like yours. I just love your blog!

  12. I was lucky enough to be paired with Michele form Vintage Bettys - so I know just how lucky you feel! Such a talented duo. Their spritely little lamb is precious - love the lamb shaker you made too I feel a new obsession coming on!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.