Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baa...Baa....White Sheep....

Days are getting warmer and the sun seems brighter. Spring is right around the corner. Hardware stores are carrying baby chicks. Farmers are getting ready for baby lambs, calves, foals, and baby goats. At the estate sale that I went to last weekend I bought the cutest lamb book ever! The pictures of a little girl caring for the lamb are adorable. This book gave me the inspiration to create a sweet little baby lamb in honor of Easter and Spring.

 Meet Baa. Named after my niece's favorite stuffed animal, Baa.

I found this wooly fur at Hobby Lobby and purchased 1/4 yard. The other side of the fur is pink, which is perfect for the inside of the ears.

Eyes are half pearls painted black. Tutorial found here.

Look how sweet he is tucked among some vintage baby cards.

Here's the pattern to make your own Baa.
For this pattern I used the sewing machine. I know that some of you are a little intimidated by the sewing machine but it is really a very useful tool and makes quick work of projects. You could also hand stitch him if you wanted, using felt. 

1. Carefully trace the pattern onto your fabric, if using felt skip this step.

2. Carefully cut the pieces out making sure to leave about 1/4" seam allowance. As you cut the pattern out, just cut the fabric not the fur. You will be taking little "snips" instead of full cuts.

3. Sew the "belly" pieces together. *The belly pieces are the pieces that are basically just the legs and no body. Making sure to leave an opening to turn the lamb right side out. This opening is labeled for you on the pattern. **Using felt? No need to leave opening, just stuff as you go.

4. Line up the sewn "belly" piece to one whole lamb piece, fur side to fur side, pinning and matching legs to legs. Now do the same for the reverse whole lamb piece.

5. Starting at the lower neck, sew all the way around to right below the tail area.The legs should be fully sewn.
6. Head: match gusset "a and b" to the head "a and b". Sew one side of the head and then the other side of the head.
7. Now sew the neck area, stitching closed any gaps or holes.

8. Now sew the back area going all the way to the back legs, stitching closed any gaps or holes.

9. Turn the lamb right side out. The legs are the hardest but keeping working at it. A non pointed end of a skewer or  paintbrush can help work the legs out.

10. Sew the ears together and turn right side out. This is also a little difficult but keep at it. You could use a piece of white felt and blush the inside of the ear if these ears frustrate you :)
11. Stitch ears on. Glue tail on.
12. Glue eyes on and embroider nose.
13. Tie a ribbon around his neck.

Whew....your sweet little Spring/Easter lamb is all finished.

Place pattern on wrong side of fur and trace. Note that the "belly leg" in upper right corner and lamb body have one that is reversed.

As you cut out lamb leave about 1/4" seam allowance around the traced pattern.

Stitch the two "belly legs" together- making sure to put right sides together. I like to tuck my fur into the seam as I pin it this way the seam doesn't show when you turn it.

Belly seam is sewn, leaving gap to turn.

Put the belly aside. Now pin the gusset to one side of the head. Sew. Then do the same for the other side. Do not sew neck area yet, just the two sides of the gusset.

This is what it will look like.

This is how I tuck my fur into the seam as I pin. I use a long doll needle to comb the fur down.

Now pin the belly leg piece to the body legs. I like to match the feet up first and then go around the legs. I pin the whole belly leg piece to the body. I didn't this because I ran out of pins :( 

Now stitch all the way around the belly legs. Starting at neck, go to the first leg, then second leg, booty area, then 3rd leg and finally 4th legs stopping at neck area. Do not sew the neck or back yet, just sew what you see in this picture.

See, back is not sewn yet.

I like to pinch this area where gusset meets the back and then pin it. Now finish pinning back and then pin neck. Now sew those two areas. 

Yes....he looks ugly, but I promise once you turn him, add ears, tail, eyes, nose and mouth, he will be the cutest thing in your craft room! **Little frustration tip: the legs are not very easy to turn, but fiddle with them and keep working! They will eventually pop right out. If you have any questions, please, please don't hesitate to email me!

Here's the pattern for the carrot that I promised. Cut four, stitch together using blanket stitch. Cut three tops, fringe them. Place the tops into the top of the stuffed carrot and using a gathering stitch, tie closed.

Sweet little lamb book.

Here's some adorable baby cards for you to print out. My favorite is the stork. You can see how I used him here.

Please feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about the lamb pattern. I will be happy to answer them.

Have a wonderful, crafty night,


  1. Aw! What's cuter than that sweet little lamb!!! He's adorable! Easter Hugs! xo Holly

    1. Thanks, Holly! He was so much fun to make! Have a wonderful day, Holly

  2. I know how to use a table saw but not a sewing machine. I'm murder on sewing machines, so I guess I will glue it if I can't hand sew it.
    Chris =]

    1. Wow! A table saw! I do use a scroll saw but the table saw is a little scary to me. That's dear hubby's job to use the table saw. I bet gluing would work. Happy crafting, Holly

  3. That little lamb is adorable! Thank you so much for sharing the pattern. I'm not very good at making cleanline patterns...I really could use some help in that department.

    1. Thanks, Laura! I can't stitch very straight either. I guess I should show the "before I turn him" picture. My sewing lines can be very wobbly, but the material hides it. Have a wonderful day, Holly

  4. That fabric is so great! Perfect for the adorable lamb.

    1. Thanks! I thought the fabric looked so much like a little lamb that I just had to make one. It is so soft! Have a wonderful day, Holly

  5. Holly... yours will be sent out next week also...hopefully Monday...I'm almost done I just have to find an egg box to put the goodies in ;)..I might just have to make an egg box :)

  6. Holly what a cute lamb. It's one of the cutest things I've seen.
    I loved your mother load from estate sale. woo-hoo. aren't you glad your daughter was loaded. those are great ornaments. So precious. I need to check out estate sales once in a while. Love you Dearest. mama

    1. Hey Mom, so glad that you like him. Thank you for teaching me to craft all those years ago! Yes, d#1 was thankfully loaded that day, b/c I only had $2 in my wallet :) Love to you, Holly

  7. They are just the sweetest! I have some fabric like that but I don't know if mine would come out that cute! Hugs!

    1. Hey Diane, Thanks! The pattern is simple and I be you could easily pull it off. I just loved your recent posts on Florida. We lived there for 2 yrs and miss it so much. You pictures bring back such wonderful memories. Have a wonderful day, Holly

  8. Hi Holly!
    Oh...My goodness! Your blog and darling post are so incredibly sweet! Your little lambies are so precious. thank you for sharing your pattern. I can't wait to make one up.
    Blessings,my new friend.
    Carolynn xo

  9. Hi Holly, Gosh our brains are in sinc! I am working on a little lamb to add to my Easter Parade, and stork poms sit on my lap as I view your wonderful cards and adorable lamb. What perfect material! The sweetest lamb I have ever seen! I can't wait for yu to see my stork planters. You will love them! Have a great week! Keep bringing us these sweet characters! Elizabeth

  10. The little lamb book was one my daughter wanted to hear at least once a day - thank you for bringing back such a sweet memory. Love your creations.

  11. LOVE the Baa!!!! And one of these days when I'm not obsessed with sewing clothes I will have to make that for AJ. It would be an adorable Easter basket present! I am loving seeing your creations you are equal parts talent and productivity. You have such a good eye for the cuteness factor. Much love to you and yours, E

  12. Thank you so much for this pattern! I just discovered your blog, and have been looking for a little lamb like the one I had as a baby. This one is it!!! I will make one as soon as I can! Aloha with hugs, Ann

  13. This is super adorable, but I can't see the pattern on the page? Is there any chance you could reupload it?

  14. Cannot find the pattern for the Baa!! Could you let me know where it is? Thank you, Julia


  15. I was looking very much a lamb tutorial, as I am in this project now. Thank you so much.


  16. I was looking very much a lamb tutorial, as I am in this project now. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.