Friday, March 1, 2013

No Guts.....No Glor-ey!

Yes....I hit the Mother Load! Today I went to pick D#1 up from college. It is a small college only about 30 minutes down the road. Traffic is some what ok in the morning and since I was leaving around 10:30 am, it wouldn't be bad. I go the back way. On little country two lane roads, past: adorable white churches, fields of tiny purple flowers, past horses, cows, donkeys, goats, emus, swans, capybaras, chickens, alpacas, and sometimes llamas if they decide to show themselves (I have heard they can be stuck up). For some reason we have a very mixed variety of farm animals. I love going this way. 
Today I spotted a sign "Friday 10-4  Saturday 8-4" by a house that I have always admired. Cute little brick and white clapboard house with awnings. There were about 8 cars in the driveway. That has to mean estate sale, right? Oh well, I only had $5 in my purse. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to go. And remember, I was on the way to pick up my sidekick  dear sweet daughter that loves to go antiquing. Could she have some $$ on her? She did and about $50 at that! Plus my $5 = $55! Oh boy we are going now. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe for some vintagey Christmas decorations. And look:

I couldn't believe it. I never had seen this much vintage Christmas for sale. Gurley candles-.25 to .50. Plastic vintage 50s. Spun heads. Velvet Reindeer. Plastic Santa boots.

Jack from Gold Rush "No Guts....No Glor-ey!"

More Gurley candles: the green pinecones with red candles, turkey, two snowmen. I also found a 50s plastic Christmas corsage! 

Look at these lights. I have never seen these before and couldn't believe they had little cotton spun Santas on each light. How fun!

Only $2 for this light strand.

Shiney brights. Someone, right before I got there, bought the other 8 boxes of Shiney Bs. At least I got one box for $2. I spy a green satin ball.

And look at this beauty. She's not a featherweight but is very close. She is a portable Singer with case. Beautiful working condition for only $35! I haven't plugged it in yet, but I can't wait to see if the light works. The original bulb is still in it. This was one of the cleanest, neatest Estate sales that I have ever been to. The house was so clean and did not have a musty odor at all. I also bought a vintage Christmas tablecloth with a cute deer on it (only $1!) and D#1 picked up some cups and saucers for her collection. They were $2 and $3-great prices.

Stopping at this Estate Sale was a big deal for me. I usually drive right past these Estate Sales, never stopping. I am not sure why I don't. Sometimes I believe it is because I feel bad if I stop and don't see anything that I want and leave without buying anything. I feel like I am letting the seller down. I know...get over it. They must see their stuff as junk too or else they wouldn't be selling it :)  That is what my ever so wise husband says. He took me yard sale-ing one Saturday and we hit 7 yard sales in about 1 1/2 hours! I gave him a list of stuff I was looking for. We even did some drive bys- you know....where you drive by, scope it out and leave if nothing catches your eye. He is so good at it. I didn't feel guilty, not one single time! So that is why  I have named this post No Guts, No Glory! I had the guts today, so maybe I will tomorrow!

Have a wonderful, gutsy day, 


  1. LOL's Holly...and you sure did hit the mama load! The prices you paid are fabulous! Have a great weekend.

  2. Whoa baby!!!! I bet it was like Christmas came early in the craft room! Good for you for hitting that estate sale, now the only question I have is which items do I get out of the bunch ?;) I loved the pics of D#2, I tried to comment but alas it just wouldnt cooperate. Love to you and your sweet family and so glad you have a partner in crime with D#1 love to all, E

  3. Wow! So glad you stopped at that sale; you got some great stuff! Something about those vintage Christmas candles that evokes a sweet memory in my heart. My DH loves to drive me to estate sales and yard sales; I call him my Chauffeur Extraordinaire. Truth be told, I don't like to go yard sale-ing without him, even though he very rarely ever gets out of the car. :)

  4. Oh Holly! Isn't that light strand amazing!!! You have so many wonderful things to use in your crafting, what fun!
    Oh MY GOSH is your Palmer Bunny ever cute! I can't wait to make him. I have to go to JoAnn's tomorrow and will pick up fabric and interfacing (fingers crossed yipes, sewing). Your daughter is so cute in her outfits. I remember that age with my daughter. What a cutie she is! Hope your week is wonderful! Elizabeth


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.