Monday, February 11, 2013

Hip, Hip Hooray! It's Presidents' Day!

Sorry that I haven't blogged in a while but I took a little leave to enjoy some family time. D#1 had a program for grandparents at her school Friday, February 1st. She is in the choir and they sang the sweetest songs.  My in-laws came to visit and we had a blast. D#1 came home from college for the day Saturday, Feb 2nd. Fun family times!  This past weekend my mom came to visit. We had a great time with her. She made us fudge and a Mississippi Mud Cake or as my grandmother use to call it Mississippi River Mud Cake.

I have made one more Presidents' Day craft. A Presidents' Day shaker. I wanted it to look like a "Vote" button. I think that little "Vote" button is so American! I have looked for them at antique stores, but they are so expensive. Around $15 a button for the small ones. I think they would look so adorable on my vintage style bears. Hmmm.....I think D#1 has a button maker some where in her closet......

I hope that you didn't put the Christmas tinsel garland away. I love that stuff. Not only is it retro and sparkly but you can use it year around for craft projects. It makes great sparklers for Presidents' Day or the 4th of July. Bend white floral wire into swirly shapes and glue tuffs of tinsel onto the ends. Shaker instructions here just don't forget the cardboard inserts which help stabilize the shaker. Instructions on the inserts can be found here.
"hip, hip,'s Presidents' Day!" is embroidered on the shaker. Add a tinsel collar (instructions here) and paint the stick red, white, and blue.

I will have some St. Patty's Day crafts coming up soon. I think that I jumped the gun and said my next crafts will be Easter....I forgot St. Patrick's Day. Mustn't forget the wee little leprechauns and their pot of gold! Until then, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Presidents' Day!

And remember, if you have a question about the construction of the shaker you can email me or leave a comment.


  1. Absolutely fun! What a cute display for President's Day, a favorite holiday of mine. Too bad my favorite Presidents wouldn't translate well in craft form. Roosevelt and Truman, hmmm can't see them. I want to wish you a very wonderful Valentine's Day, and please expect your dollhouse next week. I will be mailing it on Monday. Elizabeth


    1. Hey Elizabeth, Thanks! Lol about your Presidents. Maybe next year we should try them, they might surprise us! I can just see President Truman's glasses on a cute felty. Can't wait to get the dollhouse. That will give me an incentive to clean up my craft room :) Have a great night, Holly

  2. Coo toot. I mean too cute. Ha. What fun it is to read your blog. Any MRMcake left? Lee loved the piece I brought him. Luke and Ashley loved the box you n Maddie sent. So sweet and thoughtful. Mari said "That Aunt Holly is so sweet". They tore into the candy.
    Love you, mom

    1. Aww. thanks mom! No MRMcake left in this house! So glad the kids loved their box. I had fun putting it together :) Tell everyone "hi" for me. love you, holly

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