Sunday, February 17, 2013

Some Blarney Fun!

I am having to get creative to come up with some St. Patrick's Day decorations. I really don't want to go out and spend lots of $$ to just decorate my craft room. I do have St. Patrick's Day decorations for the rest of the house but my craft room was neglected over the years and now it is time to catch up. I am having so much fun trying to cleverly come up with St. Patty stuff.

I just love vintage greeting cards! Don't these cards look adorable! They are actually scans. Amazing, right! The color is so beautiful and crisp. I just love my scanner/printer. It's hard to believe that it sat downstairs in the guest room for years, unused :( Finally I brought it up to my new and improved craft room and now I use it all the time!

Scan your images and cut them out.

Make a little stand for them and tape it to the back. Do not tape the stand flush with the bottom of the card. Tape it about 1/16" up from the bottom. This will give a little lean to the card so that it does not topple over on it's face.

Hard to see the little stands, but they are there.

Here are some cards for you to print out. The drawing is of the stand. Cut it out, fold it and discard the triangle shaped piece. Tape to the back and now you can make lots of St. Patrick's Day decorations to fill your abode!

Now on to a Scrabble crisis. I know that you have noticed that I love to spell out words with Scrabble tiles. I have accumulated quite a few tiles. I have lots of "E"s, "S"s, "R"s, etc. Each game has multiples of the most used letters. Scarce are the "V", "W", "Y", "Z", and several other letters that are worth high points when you actually play the game and don't steal the tiles for craft projects. I was spelling words around the house, I realized that I needed another "Y". Ok....confession time: I am sure that I have more than one Y but I needed it NOW! No time to look under the rugs, desks, couch, in drawers, and other various places daughter#2 and sneaky cat like to hide things from me. I am not sure why but D#2 and sneaky cat absolutely love those tiles! Well....blarney.....guess I am going to have to come up with a way to make another "Y". I sure didn't want to spend $50 or more on ebay for tile lot that likely didn't have the coveted Y. And I didn't want to make a trip to Target (our Walmart doesn't carry the old Scrabble game) to buy another game. Well.......what about scanning the Y that I have, cutting it out and using mod podge to apply it to the back of an E? 

In this pic the scanned Y looks smaller, but I promise it is exactly the same size. can't really tell the difference-of course the one on left is a little bit more 3D-ish.

This is what I had resorted to. Using that blank tile! It looks like I can't spell :(   

There, much better. See you can't even tell that an E is on the other side of the Y. Well, kiss the Blarney stone!! Now instead of 150 Scrabble tiles, I have 300!!! Amazing and I didn't even spend a dime.
Have a super, wonderful, crafty, blarney kind of day,


  1. Well now, that's a clever idea! Now is you could get some little pieces of wood tile sized, scan all of the letters, you'd never run out of any letters!!! I don't have any tiles yet, but I guess that will be on my list of things to pick around for in thrift shopping expeditions! Love your cute SPD crafts.


    1. Using small tile like wooden pieces is a great idea. I will have to look for some. Scrabble games are a little hard to locate b/c their vintage boxes are a purple/burgundy color. Have a great night, holly

  2. I just got another Scrabble set - and it was my husband who said, "don't you want to put this in your craft room!" So funny. I'm lovin' your idea to make a color copy for those extra letters we need.

  3. clever chicky! My sister sent me some Scrabble a few years ago, but they never arrived. Finally, 3 months later, the postman knocked on the door and lo and behold....there were my tiles! She had forgotten to put 'UK' on the address and they had been floating around Boston, Mass all that time!


    1. Thanks Hope! Lol-that sounds like our postal service-bless their hearts. They try but I have had things go missing in the mail too. Hopefully one day they will turn up. Have a great night, holly

  4. So cute!! I'm always on the look out for scrabble game sets :) Happy new week! xo Holly

    1. Thanks, Holly! We also love to play Scrabble even though I have "borrowed" most of the pieces ;) have a great night, holly

  5. Hello Holly! I'm so happy to have another great swap partner! I had so much fun doing the Valentine swaps ...I had recieved some of the cutest creations!I love your blog and put a side button on my blog!!!....You really have alot of cuteness going on here:) Your pincushions are darling....I'm about to do a post of my little paper clay creations...thanks to Elizabeth for creating such cute ornaments and then giving us all a tutorial and tips :) She is one generous sweet lady!!!!I don't have your email can you email it to me ...mine is :)

    Thank you,


    1. Thanks so much Laura! Elizabeth does some amazing crafts. I love visiting her blog too! I will send you my email address soon-I am on the iPad now. Have a wonderful crafty night, Holly

  6. These scans are adorable. Thanks so much for sharing. I am a BIG fan of the Scrabble tiles, myself. I think I'm gonna be a big ol' copy cat and recreate your sweet vignette. This will be my only St. Patrick's Day decor this year. Thanks for the great ideas!!


    1. Hey Tammy, you are welcome! So fun to find another Scrabble obsessed crafter! Have a wonderful night, Holly

  7. Love your St. Patty's day decor!! And such a great idea on how to create more Scrabble tiles!!

    Best chris

    1. Hey Chris, Thanks so much! It was fun to come up with some SPD words/saying to spell with the Scrabble tiles. Have a wonderful night, Holly

  8. Oh Holly, This. Is such a funny post! I'm still finding my son's Connect pieces! Your decorations and blog for St. Pats are wonderful! I love that you have discovered the wonders of a printer. PS Three packages are now enroute to you. E

    1. Oh goodness, three pkgs! I can't wait. So sweet that you are still finding pieces of your son's toys.
      Once I started thinking "green" St. Patty's day just started coming together. I do love my scanner/printer-all those wasted years....
      Have a great night, Holly

  9. Hello Holly, Your blog is delightful. You should write a book for elementary school teachers. They are always looking for fresh and seasonal ideas. I am excited about finding you and I can see that I will get inspiration for craft ideas to do with my granddaughters. They are both very artistic. I am your newest follower and I would like to invite you over to visit, follow me back and enter my current Give-Away :) I love blogging and making new creative friends.
    Your newest blogging sister, Connie :)

    1. Hey Connie, so nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by to say "hi" and thank you for becoming a follower. I hope that your granddaughters enjoy making some felties or shakers. They are really easy to make. I am now going over to your blog. Thank you so much and have a wonderful night, Holly


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.