Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! 

I will be back in a day or two with some St. Patrick's Day crafts.
Have a wonderful night, 


  1. Holly those Valentines are super sweet! Happy late Valentines day!...I didn't get to finish commenting everyone earlier because I had to get ready for work and I work night shift :) Do you do paper clay stuff to...Did you make the girl and boy in your banner? They are very cute...and so is all of your felt creations :)

    1. Oh! Thank you so much! I do paper clay but the boy and girl are a purchased piece by Jenene Mortimer. You can find them on ebay (the manufactured pieces) and she sells some original pieces on etsy-very reasonable! I love her work. Have a great night, Holly

  2. Aw what sweet little Valentine's :) Hope you had a lovely Valentine's day! Wishing you and yours a great weekend too! xo Holly

    1. Hey Holly,
      We did have a great Valentine's Day. I hope you had a wonderful one too! I enjoy your blog so much! have a wonderful weekend, Holly

  3. Hi Holly!
    I just tuned in from Sandy's 521 Lake Street. I'm so excited about her swap and I have joined in, too.
    Your post is an absolute delight. I am a girl that loves color and RED is at the top of my list. It's so happy and full of energy. Your header is adorable. I love the red rickrack and your sweet little munchkins.
    Have a great weekend!
    Carolynn xoxo


    1. I too am so excited about the swap! So much fun stuff. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. As you can tell I love red too! But since st. patrick's day is right around the corner I am changing briefly to green :) Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend, Holly

  4. Hey beautiful Valentine Daughter,
    I had a wonderful visit with your family last week. You all are delights.
    Love you, Mom
    PS Dad says he needs assistance on his blog!


    1. Hey Mom. Yes, I do need to help daddy. I will put that next on my list! We are so glad that you came to visit. We had so much fun! already miss you! Have a great night, Holly


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.