Friday, September 21, 2012

Shake, Shake, Shake!

12" wooden dowel, painted and ribboned
ribbon                              felt
           embroidered floss                airdry paper clay
           3/4" Styrofoam balls            empty matchbox 
          crepe paper                      pipe cleaner
 tinsel pom pom                    paint
6-8 small buttons                 stuffing
                 paper covered florist wire      book page for hat                 

Instructions for Surprised Pumpkin: Print pattern and cut out. Pin pattern pieces onto felt and cut out. Cut one 1"x 11 1/2" strip of orange felt for side of pumpkin. Stitch face pieces on.  *TIP: Position each felt piece correctly and then add a tiny drop of glue and let it dry. This will keep everything nice and neat while you stitch.

Instructions for Smiley Pumpkin: Ditto, except use a disappearing ink pen to draw stitching lines and then stitch on these lines (matching 2 strand embroidery floss) using a stem stitch.

2. Stitch side strip onto face. Now it is time to add the shaker box. I made my own box but you can use a small matchbox (I didn't have one, go figure....I usually keep everything! Note to self: buy some matches in cute little boxes). Add 6-8 small buttons. Tape shut. Cut an X on the long side of the box. Use a small amount of hot glue and glue the box to the back side of the face (see above photo). Make an small X on the bottom of the pumpkin. Now insert dowel through X in pumpkin and then into the matchbox. You may add a tiny bit of glue were the dowel meets the felt, on the inside of the pumpkin.

3. Now stitch the back on using a buttonhole stitch. Add stuffing when you get a little more than 3/4 of the way stitched. Finish stitching.

4. At this step you can add different lengths of ribbon. Glue them to point where dowel meets the pumpkin. Cut the collar out of black poster board or you can cut it out of a cereal box and paint it black. Add fringe to top and bottom starting and stopping at slit. Add collar to pumpkin, use tiny drop of hot glue or Aleene's tacky glue (I use this glue for everything! You just have to be patient with it.). You can add the party hat to the Smiley pumpkin at this point.

Spider: Cover 3/4" Styrofoam ball with thin layer of air dry paper clay. TIP *Keep fingertips wet to smooth out the clay. Let dry overnight or dry with fan or hairdryer (I used hairdryer but be careful! Don't get burned). Paint black and then paint face. Spider legs are paper covered wire painted black. You can find this in florist department in 12" lengths. Cut 8- 2" lengths. Tiny drop of Aleene's glue on tip of leg and insert into spider. Let dry. Add hat (smaller version of hat pattern). Glue onto pumpkin.  Bend legs when spider is dry and add sucker. Sucker: 1/4" x 2 1/2" strips of felt rolled together and glued at tip. Stick is 1" toothpick, glued onto felt sucker.

Bat: Ditto on paper clay covered ball. After paint has dried, add wings and ears. I used Aleene's glue, it is not as shiny as hot glue and you can paint over it if mistakes happen. Add hat to bat. Glue onto pumpkin. 
Please let me know if you don't understand something.

Hope you enjoy making a Pumpkin Shaker!
Happy Crafting,


  1. Very, very cute idea! Thanks for the tute!! I love the little touches of the spider and bat, too!

    1. Thank you, Sandie! I just love details! Sometimes I think that I lay the details on too thick and the project gets lost-lol. Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. Holly, I can't tell you how excited I am to come to a blog and find I pattern for ME to make! You can be sure I will make these adorable shakers. I love their expressions and bat friend. Have a great weekend! E

    1. Hey Elizabeth, I am so glad I finally got a tutorial posted. Wow! It took a lot of effort. It really made me appreciate all of the patterns and tutorial that you have shared with us. I have posted a few quick tutorial, but not anything in this depth before. I had to get really creative when I wanted to add the scanned image. Now that I am familiar with that process, I hope to have many more in the future :). I am so glad that you like the shakers. I had wanted to make the Halloween shakers like yours- painted ornaments that you got from Michaels, but I didn't feel like going shopping so I improvised. Hope you have fun making them and if you find any mistakes or need a better explaination, please don't hesitate to contact me. Happy Crafting! Holly

  3. Hi Holly, Last evening and today I worked on making your adorable Pumpkin Shakers. What a fun project! I absolutely love how they turned out. Thank you again so much for sharing the pattern. Elizabeth

    1. You're welcome! My goal is going to be one tutorial a week(?). I am going to try my best. Some weeks are sooooo busy and I may not be able to. You are an inspiration. I love your tutorials and patterns. Thanks for sharing ;)

  4. Hi, Holly. I came here from Creative Breathing. Elizabeth has so many nice things to say about your blog. It's wonderful! I have become a new follower. I hope you will visit me as well at Zetta's Aprons. =D

    1. Hey Shirley, Thank you so much for coming over and checking my blog out. I will definately visit yours! Everyone has been so kind to welcome me into blogland. Elizabeth has the sweetest friends! Happy Crafting, Holly

  5. Hi there, I'm here from Creative Breathing. I'm a new follower. I just love your halloween shakers, you make it look so easy, I might could even make them!! And I'm not real crafty! You explain everything where I can understand. Thanks for the tutorial,come by and visit with me and Wilma sometime.

    1. Hey Dorothy, You can make them! They are very easy. You could just make the pumpkins and forget the shaker and stick, if you think that step is too much. I plan on make some as pumpkins to set around. Thank you so much for your comments about the tutorial. I had hoped that my instructions were ok. Happy Crafting and I will definitely visit yours and Wilma's blog :)

  6. Hi there! I'm your newest follower from Damita's Pretty Wrap. I'm looking forward to following! I love your Halloween shakers! Those are to cute! Hope you have a great day! xo Holly

    1. Thank you, Holly! The shakers are a lot of fun. I can't wait to go over to your blog! Happy Crafting, Holly

  7. Well I just had to come over and meet you. E is a very dear friend of mine, and has been talking about you. Your shakers are just adorable, and I can see why she's so taken with you. The little banner you made for her birthday is so cute. I'm following you now, and invite you to come visit me sometime.


    1. Thank you so much! E is very sweet and such a kind person. She has opened me up to this wonderful world of crafting women. My blog was started for my sister who lives several states away and now it has blossomed to meet so many new friends! I can't wait to check out your blog! Happy Crafting, Holly


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.