Friday, April 8, 2011

Tangled and No Comb Around

Here's what I am working on tonight. D#2 has a birthday party to go to tomorrow and I like to think outside the box for a gift. I know most children have too many toys. I thought that a lap blanket would be so fun! D#2 picket out the Tangled blanket, from the movie and I monogramed the birthday girl's name on it with my sewing machine. We also picked out a small Tangled doll and princess flashlight. Of course I waited until the last minute to start it, but now it is finished. We will make the card tomorrow.

Above: Machine working like crazy.

Above: here is what the blanket looks like.
Above: finished product

Above: another clothespin keepsake doll. Her head is a little wonky (needs gluing) and a few other finishing touches to complete her.

Above: another tooth keepsake doll. I love the way her little box turned out. And I love these colors.

Above: this doll is on a square box. I really like how the box looks.
Thanks for looking and have a nice weekend, filled with crafty stuff,


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