Saturday, May 25, 2013

Two Barns and A Cup Of Tea!

Hello, sweet people! Two more Quilty Barn Along blocks completed!! I just wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful comments on my previous post and on all of my other posts. I truly love and cherish each one! I use to reply to each comment that I received but a while back I realized that less you go back to your comment that you left me you will never know that I replied back :( I wish blogger would automatically send my reply to you. I will try my best to email a reply to you but my computer is so sssslllloooowwww that it takes me forever to switch back and forth from internet (web) to my email account. My computer is very old, at least 150 years old by computer years, but I digress. Here's the fun barn blocks! Lori now has a barn with a silo! Guess I am going to start on another quilt soon so that I can have a silo too :)
Farm fresh eggs and my grandmother's wooden spoon. Look! This material has "barn" cats on it.

My grandmother's mixer (which I sometimes use even though cord needs repairing), a sweet potholder my sister made me and a vintage cookbook that she also gave me. The darling apron is one that I picked up at the antique store for around $2. 

D#2 finished school this past week and I wanted to share what she and I gave the "specials". These are teachers that teach computer, library, music, p.e., etc. We gave the two men mugs with coffee and a muffin. 
I embroidered tea towels with the teacher's last name initial. Along with the coffee cake muffin, we included two types of tea, tea cup and saucer and a tiny bottle of local honey. I only had 6 tiny honeys so I metal stamped two silver plated tea spoons with the word "TEA".

I used the towels as the wrapping paper and tied them with tulle. My two most favorite towels:
 the  top row middle one and

the bottom row to the far right. This one also had teal ric rac on it. Cute! These were Martha Stewart towels. 
Here's the tag that we used. It is an old library card. Remember those days when you use to have to sign your name to the card and they would either write or stamp the date due? I used my vintage typewriter to type the greetings on the card. Fun stuff! 

Hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend,


  1. I just love these barns!!! And, I want to make a few this summer - but, I am so afraid that I won't figure it out. I just have to try! I love your blocks - soooooo cute - great fabric choices! Happy Weekend!

  2. Love your barn blocks!! I am going to do the maple leaf next! ;) Darling gifts and love the library cards!! Have a lovely night! xo Heather

  3. Love your barn blocks!! I was doing the same thing with the comments too, and it's just not as fun opening your email up, instead of just writing the reply on your blog. And like you said it takes longer too! Lol. Thank you for the comment on my sewing machines!! :) I will have to go look up the manual for it! Love your cute gifts to the teachers! And adding the library card is just too cute!!! :) :) Have a happy Memorial day! xo Holly

  4. Such cute teacher gifts! Would you post a little tutorial on stamping silver spoons?

  5. So adorable! I really love the library card gift cards with the typewritten messages!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.