Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cutest Blocks Around

Oh my! Are these not the cutest blocks around? I am going to love this quilt! I can't believe how easy the block are and how quickly they sew up.
This is the second block that I constructed. 

The little squares are only 1". Can you see the crows on the roof? Lol-that was some black crow Halloween material that I was hoarding saving for just the right project. And what goes better on a farm than pesky crows trying to eat the corn?!

Look at the fabric on the cupolas. That fussy cutting was pure luck some expert quilting. I really didn't notice it until I was looking at my pictures to post.  

I still can't believe that Lori is offering this pattern for free on her blog. It is so adorable. I wish that I had some horse or cow fabric to use as the barn door. That would be cute. But I keep reminding myself I am just using what I have on hand, that in it's self is a challenge. This quilt makes me want to go out and buy more fabric :)

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful and blessed day,


  1. Oh I love your barn blocks!!! This will be such a lovely quilt when you are done!! :) So pretty! xo Holly

  2. I'm making them too! Love yours. I have some extra cows/horses/chickens I could send you if you want to do a little scrappy swap? Email me!

  3. Your blocks are adorable!! I look forward to making some of my own! Have a lovely day! xo Heather

  4. Oh my goodness! I jut love these blocks!!! We moved to the country this year, and I would just love to make something like this. 4 more weeks till summer break - and then, I just have to make up my mind what craft project I will start with! Thank you for the inspiration!

  5. Very, very cute. I can see so many combo's for this pattern, I know you can, too.


  6. Your barns are so cute. These barns are so much fun. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments. I was trying to follow your blog but I am already a follower. So I will follow you on bloglovin so when you post I can see it, I love all your creations. They are so stinkin cute. Hope you are having a great weekend my dear.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.