Yesterday I made strawberry jam. I haven't made this in years. I bought one gallon of strawberries this past week at our locally owned fruit/vegetable stand. The strawberries were so fresh and sweet. The recipe made 9 half pints. The hardest part was figuring how long to keep the jars in the hot water bath. One recipe said 5 minutes and the other one said 10 minutes. I kept them in 10 minutes. I am not sure how good the jam is because it said to wait 12-24 hrs before eating. We'll find out tomorrow morning. This afternoon I am hoping to make some fresh bread. But D#1 and D# 2 won't quit fighting, so I am not sure if I can get it done.
Above: Cherry tomatoes growing in my whiskey barrel. I have been forgetting to update their progress every Friday. The plants have basically tripled in size. Basil is planted next to the tomato plant.
Above: Tiny green cherry tomatoes.
Above: This is the German heirloom tomato. It has quite a few blossoms on it but no tomatoes yet. I haven't seen very many bees this year at all. I may have to get out there and pollinate them myself with a paint brush. Last year I noticed that we didn't have a lot of honey bees. I would love to keep just one hive but am not sure how to keep them in my hive. I have done some research and found out that the bees can move depending on if they like the area they are in or not (actually the queen will move the hive). I don't want them leaving and taking up residence in the neighbors yards. That would bee a bummer. HeeHee.
Above: Brave lizard. Our dog Bullet likes to catch and eat them for some reason :(
Above: My herb/marigold garden. I planted them in galvanized wash tubs. The tubs are on a bench up against the bay window of the kitchen. Mint, marigolds, rosemary & ornamental sweet potato vine.
Above: The other tub. Notice the little sprinkler system. Love that thing!! It is so nice to not have to get out at the crack of dawn (to beat the heat) to water everything. It would usually take me 2-3 hrs to get everything good and soaked. I really need to get out in the front yard and take care of that flower bed. We do have a tiny little problem. A house wren has made a nest in the bird house and every time you go out there she sits in the tree and fusses-really loud. So, I don't want to stress her out. Maybe next weekend the babies will be old enough to fly and then I can finally clean out that bed.
Have a great weekend and remember those men and women that have fought for our country and lost their lives, for the ones still fighting and for our veterans! God Bless! We are so appreciative of sacrifices that you have done for our country to keep us free and safe!
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ReplyDeleteAh Hah!!!! It works again, don't know why, don't care why, it works yeeaahh!! Any hoo, I really like those preschool gifts and wish I was there to fight your kids off of that jam and eat it all myself :) Hope all are well and tell D#1 congrats from us and that we love you all. Have a great party Saturday!