Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nope, Not Suspicious At All!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We sure did. Our Easter church service was awesome! This past week we went to Alabama to visit the grandparents. I took a few pictures of some houses and thought that I would share them. Sorry I didn't get more, but DH thought we might look too suspicious taking lots of pictures of beautiful homes. This summer I will have to take more pictures of the beautiful houses and some of their little town. Maybe I can get mom to drive the "suspicious" car. I know that she will stop and let me gawk. She doesn't care about suspicious at all. Right, mom?
Spring has sprung in Alabama.

Such a wonderful house. Love the white with black shutters and brick stairs.

Gingerbread trim <3

Poor, sad house. Would love to buy it and fix it up. DHubby would not be happy. He doesn't like major projects. I call it "historical preservation", he calls it "strike a match time".

Bet it is a little spooky at night, but I still love it!

Abandoned little house out in the country.

Won't be long until only the chimney is standing. Fixed up it would be a sweet weekend get-a-way. DH would agree that it would make a great get-a-way. He would also add run as fast as you can to get a way!
As you can tell, I love old homes and these pictures make my heart sing. Not only do they remind me of my hometown but I am also preserving them in my own way. I hope you enjoyed this little mini tour. Hopefully this summer I can get some more great shots. And can you believe these were all taken from inside a car with the window up and DH going about 20 mph, because we didn't want to look suspicious. Next time I will have to slap a sign on the car that says "Local Newspaper Photography Crew". Nope, not suspicious at all.

Have a wonderful weekend,


  1. How fun Holly. I like to take pictures of houses, too, and personally I just don't care what people think of me doing it. I'm not doing anything illegal or wrong, so I don't worry about it. I can't seem to find the heart to put your lamb shaker away with all the Easter decor, so I'm just gonna have to find a way to display it all year long!

    Have a lovely week.

  2. I love old houses too! Mr Math is just like your husband....he sees a money pit! It is so much fun to look though! Chris

  3. Your husband cracks me up!! Instead of fixer uppers my hubby calls them knocker downers. I love the big wrap around porches.
    Chris =]

  4. thanks for the pics sis, I love them all too and think of what great salvage finds you could make! Just think of all the decorating you could do with the salvaged wood, tell K. he could make you all sorts of cool shelving and plant stands! Love you, e

  5. How fun! I love looking at old houses too! I see so many, and just wonder what's behind the doors, what does the inside look like!?! There's probably just gorgeous details in there! :) Hope you have a great week!! xox Holly

  6. I would be like you dreaming of what the sad house would look like all dressed up and pretty and wanting to rescue her. I wonder what the insides of those houses looked liked. They probably had wood floors and cool old built ins and fireplaces. Hope you have a happy nice week.

    xo Danielle

  7. I sometimes when I'm walking through or looking at an old house I wonder about the woman who lived in the house...what was she like?...what would her story be if she could talk to me? When I walk through her kitchen I wonder...was she proud of it?...did she have happy family meals here? I get sad sometimes looking at old abandoned houses and think...this was some woman's pride and joy at one time...I know I'm kinda crazy...anyway...have a great evening...hugs Patti M :)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I treasure each and every one in my heart. I love reading them. Time often prevents me from responding to each comment but rest assured they are very precious to me.